Sustainable Business Idea Competition on October 26, 2023

The Department of Business Administration organized the Sustainable Business Idea Competition 2023, with a focus on the Technological Revolution. The first round of the idea competition took place on October 26, 2023, with 11 teams from 13 departments of the World University of Bangladesh (WUB) participating with their unique and creative ideas. From the first round of the idea competition, the judging panel selected four teams for the final round based on ten criteria: Innovation and Creativity, Market Research, Feasibility, Business Model, Team and Expertise, Scalability and Growth Potential, Sustainability and Social Impact, Financial Viability, Presentation and Communication, and Competitive Advantage.

The judging panel for the first round consisted of Kazi Hassan Robin, Zubair Khalid Labu, Md. Nasim Fardose, Zenat Islam, Farhan Mahbub, Md. Asaduzzaman Rasel, Abdullah Mohammad Sharif, Ujjal Yaman Chowdhury, Md. Amith, and Md. Azim. The judging panel for the final round included Sabera Anwar, Founder of GoDeshi - Made In Bangladesh, Mohammad Kawsar Uddin, President of Technology Media Guild Bangladesh (TMGB) & General Secretary at ISOC Bangladesh Chapter, Md. Musfiqur Rahman, DGM & Head at NEC (Sales, Marketing & Business Operations), NEC Corporation, Kazi Hassan Robin, Head of CSE Department, and Ujjal Yaman Chowdhury, Assistant Professor at World School of Business.

In the final round, three teams were chosen as the winner, first runner-up, and second runner-up. All the winning teams focused on technological innovations to achieve sustainability in their new endeavors. The idea of the winner was an AI-based solution for career-related services. The idea of the first runner-up was an AI-based solution for storing data of disease diagnostics for patients with analytical reports and predicting probable diseases for doctors. The idea of the second runner-up was an AI-based app that can solve the issues of stitching services for those who prefer Do It Yourself (DIY) for their ragged dresses.

The prize-giving ceremony was graced by Professor Dr. Mijanur Rahman from the Department of Marketing at the University of Dhaka as the chief guest. Other guests at the prize-giving ceremony included Dr. Abdul Mannan Choudhury, Vice Chancellor of WUB, Prof. Dr. M. Nurul Islam, Pro-VC of WUB, and Morsheda Choudhury, Treasurer of WUB.

As the chief guest, Professor Dr. Mijanur Rahman said that in the second stage of idea implementation, the team should focus on idea screening and avoid two mistakes in the screening stage: Drop Error and Go Error. He also suggested ensuring global standards, technology, and social impacts for successful sustainable business idea implementation.

The program received support from the core members and coordinators of the WUB Business Club and WUB Entrepreneurship Club and was partially sponsored by the “Web Kingdom”. The media partner of the program was ATN Bangla.

26 October, 2023