
Compared to education in general, business education is of recent origin in this part of the world. The advent of Business Education in our country can be traced back to the later half of 1960. Starting at the university level, the Business Education branched out to college and school levels. Now a days hundreds and thousands of secondary, post secondary and tertiary educational institutes offer courses for creating skill and knowledge for manning the business. These have given rise to shortages of business education teachers. The shortages are vividly felt when the questions of methodology of teaching business related subject arises. There is lack of any systematic and well-thought out endeavors to groom teachers and trainers with application of proper and sound methodology in our country, although many countries embarked on such effort by offering Master of Business Education Programme.

We earnestly feel that there is a latent demand for trained teachers for teaching business related subjects at educational institutes as well as in the business houses; and therefore Objectives of the MBE Programme are to

  • Create human power for teaching business related subjects
  • Enable trained teachers to be absorbed in business arena and business graduates to be absorbed smoothly in the teaching arena
  • Create opportunities for any graduate ie. B.A, B.Com, B.Sc (Pass or Honors) to get attractive jobs either in academic institutions or in business
  • Provide skill and knowledge to enable one to become business executive with knowledge & expertise of training and education

Structure of The Programme

The program consists of 66 credit hours having eight (8) Foundation courses, four (4) Business courses, two (2) Elective courses and a practicum of one semester along with a dissertation having 18 credits as follows:

Foundation Course
Part I
  • Introduction to Education
  • Educational Psychology.
  • Communication for effective teaching
  • Organization & Management
  • English
  • Comparative Education
  • Assessment and Evaluation
Part II (Any one of the following)
  • Teaching Business Subjects
  • Problems in Secondary Teaching
  • Introduction to Curriculum
Business Courses
  • Principles of Management
  • Principles of Marketing
  • Principles of Accounting
  • Principles of Finance
PELECTIVES (any two)
  • Management Information Systems
  • Quantitative Business Analysis
  • Strategic Management
  • Marketing Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • Financial Management
  • Legal Environment of Business
  • Managerial Economics
  • Business Ethics
  • Educational Research
Practicum One Semester (including dissertation)
  • Simulation
  • Internship in Schools Colleges & University

Each of the above Foundation courses consists of three (3) credit hours, and the Business and Elective courses are of four (4) credit hours. The practicum followed by a dissertation totals 18 credit hours.

Mode of study

Virtual Learning/Online

Study your degree, your way, online

How Online Studies Works at WUB
  • Study whenever you want through online
  • Digital learning platform where you’ll conduct and manage your online studies at WUB
  • Choose your own pace and take as long as you need
  • Start at anytime from anywhere
  • Take your exams online, whenever and wherever you want
  • Some classes will be on campus such as lab classes etc

Entry Requirements and Duration of the Program

The program is open to any graduate but the duration of this program is 1 year for those having 16 years education with Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) or Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) and 3 years teaching or work experience/Masters in Education (M.Ed.). For all other graduates, the duration is 1.5 to 2 years.

Course Exemptions

A student with a degree in Bachelor of Education (BE) and Master of Education (ME) or with Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) will be waived a maximum of six (6) and eight (8) courses respectively based on his/her previous completion of any of the courses in the curriculum of the previous degrees with satisfactory pass marks in that course.