ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7049-3512
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=xTh2YM4AAAAJ&hl=en
Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Md_Iftekharul_Bhuiya
Researcher ID: https://publons.com/researcher/4126903/md-iftekharul-islam-bhuiya/
Md. Iftekharul Islam Bhuiya has been working at World
School of Business, World University of Bangladesh since January, 2013. He
earned Master Degree in Financial Management form University of Greenwich
(United Kingdom) and Bachelor Degree in Business Administration from East West
University (Bangladesh). Mr. Bhuiya conveys constructive and effective teaching
methods that promote a stimulating learning environment. He is a motivating and
talented finance educator driven to inspire students to pursue academic and
personal excellence. He has the ability to consistently wave to create a
challenging and engaging learning environment in which students become
life-long scholars and names. Mr. Bhuiya has exceptional record of
accomplishment of research success with multiple published articles. His
research interest includes Corporate Finance, International Finance,
Investment, and Financial Markets.
M.R., Kulsum, U. and Bhuiya, M.I.I. (2020) ‘Complying with the disclosure
required by IFRS 7: A study on the pharmaceuticals companies of Bangladesh’, Daffodil International University Journal of
Business and Entrepreneurship, 13 (1), pp. 86-96.
T.I., Barua, U. and Bhuiya, M.I.I. (2015) ‘BRICS Economy: An Appealing
Investment Opportunity on the International Stage’, Journal for Worldwide Holistic Sustainable Development (JWHSD), 1(3),
pp. 15-42.
M.S., Haque, M.E., Bhuiya, M.I.I. and Barua, U. (2015) ‘Training and
Development Practice of Banks from an International Perspective with Special
Emphasis on Bangladesh: Findings from the Literatures’, European Journal of Business and Management, 7(1).
S., Islam, M.R., Ahmed, E. And Bhuiya, M.I.I. (2014) ‘Computerized Accounting
Systems;- The challenges faced by Accountants: A Comparative study between
Traditional Accounting and Computerized Accounting’, Journal of Business and Technical Progress, Business Review-Bangladesh,
3(1), pp. 107-119
M.I.I., Ahmed, E. and Mahmud. S. (2014) ‘Relative Performance of Bangladesh
Export Processing Zones (BEPZs) and the Reasons for the Difference in Their
Performance’, Global Journal of
Management and Business Research, 14(3), pp. 29-40.
M.I.I., Ahmed, E. and Haque, M.E. (2015) ‘Corporate International
Diversification, Exchange Rate Exposure and Firm Value: An Analysis on United
Kingdom Multinationals’, International
Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, 3 (3).